Mar 9, 2011

UCC Green Week schedule

*Monday* (7th March)
Bake sale with proceeds going to the Donkey Sanctuary
Bike Doctor on campus
Table Quiz at Franciscan Well at 7pm

Friends of the Earth Climate Talk and Screening of Wall-E, 6-9pm Boole 2

Bike Doctor on campus again
Smoothies – cycle to make your own smoothie
Penguin Flash Mob
Screening of The Pipe with An Taisce and film director, 6pm Boole 1 (SEE DETAILS BELOW)

Cycle Safety and films, ORB 255, 7pm
Bike party, Franciscan Well

Weekend Trip to Killarney National Park
Bus leaves WGB at 6pm, cost €15 and includes accommodation and

The book launch that was due to take place on Thursday in the City Library
has been cancelled.

Best wishes,
Sean Roberti.
UCC Environmental Society

Join us on FaceBook:

Screening of The Pipe in conjunction with An
Taisce and UCC Enviromental Society


6pm Boole 1


Followed by a discussion with the film's director.

All Welcome