Mar 30, 2011

Events at Irish Natural Forestry Foundation

Saturday 2nd April, 2011 from 10am until 3pm

We are making picnic benches! Come and help us and enjoy a day out, when we make picnic benches from our own wood for use around the estate. These will be enjoyed by our members on their visits with family and friends.

If you would like to help, please meet at the education centre at 10am on Saturday 5th March, 2011. Refreshments provided!


If you have any questions, please e-mail or telephone us.

023 – 8822823

If you have any spare time on a Tuesday and you would like to come and do some volunteer work on this wonderful estate, feel free to just pop in any time in the morning and we will see what we can find you to do in return for a lovely tea or coffee and biscuits!

Next Open Day - Sunday 3rd April 2011

Orienteering- Event available all Day

Guided walk with the charity's founder – Ian Wright.

Sorry - No dogs allowed.

Refreshments will be available

Beginners Gardening Course starts April 13th.

From window-box to allotment
A simple fun approach to successfully growing your own delicious food, in six
classes. The course comprises one afternoon or early evening on a Wednesday, which will
last for approximately 2.5hrs. It will run for six consecutive Wednesdays
from 13th April to 18th May.

Course costs €40 for INFF Members and €60 for non-members.

Please see our website for further details:

call us on 023 8822823
