Apr 12, 2011

Biodiversity Spraoi Launch

The 'Biodiversity Spraoi' is launched today, 11th April 2011 and will run fortnightly for 3 months with 6 challenges to complete.

These challenges will encourage greater biodiversity and will help create awareness of the natural environment in your local area. Each fortnight, the challenge will entail the following 3 elements:

  • Biodiversity Action: Can be carried out in less than one day to make your garden, school or local area more biodiversity friendly.
  • Biodiversity Bingo: 4 species will be selected each fortnight. If spotted, records can be submitted to the centre and you will be in with a chance to win a prize.
  • Star Species: An 'interesting facts' sheet of a specially selected species will give an opportunity to learn more about some of our most interesting Irish species.

For full information visit http://www.biodiversityireland.ie/home-page/spraoi-2/on or email lweekes@biodiversityireland.ie