Mar 8, 2011

Invitation to 3rd Annual Social Marketing Conference, NUI Galway, 15 April 2011

The Centre for Innovation and Structural Change at NUI Galway are delighted to host the 3rd Annual Social Marketing Conference "Enabling Sustainable Behaviour: The Environment, Communities, Health & Well Being" on Friday 15th April in NUI Galway.

Are you concerned with environmental issues? Do you want to drive grass root actions? Marshal advocacy? Mobilise local communities? Are you ready to move beyond brochures, talks and the usual educational approach to public behaviours? Are you working at creating sustainable change? Increasing physical activity or volunteering? Or the uptake of vaccine or screening programme? Only engaged citizens can bring about a profound and long lasting change in the way we live and the environments we design. This demands joint actions by a variety of public, private and third sector stakeholders, as no one organisation has the resources to respond to complex problems, such as altering transportation habits, reducing waste, increasing renewable energy or preventing pollution.

The 3rd Annual Social Marketing Conference brings together two world known sustainable behavioural change experts, Dr. Doug McKenzie-Mohr and Dr. Craig Lefebvre, with practitioners and leaders in the public and voluntary sector, to answer such questions.

Dr Doug McKenzie-Mohr, President, McKenzie-Mohr & Associates
For over two decades Dr. McKenzie-Mohr has been working to incorporate scientific knowledge on behaviour change into the design and delivery of environmental programs. He is the founder of community-based social marketing, and his best-selling book, "Fostering Sustainable Behaviour: An Introduction to Community-Based Social Marketing," has become requisite reading for those who deliver environmental programs. He has delivered workshops internationally for over 50,000 environmental program managers. Dr. McKenzie-Mohr is also the founder of the Fostering Sustainable Behaviour website, journal and listserv. He is a former Professor of Psychology at St. Thomas University, Canada.

Dr Craig Lefebvre
R. Craig Lefebvre, PhD is an architect and designer of public health and social change programs. He is an internationally recognized expert in social marketing. Craig's work on several hundred social marketing projects has addressed a multitude of health risks for a broad array of audiences in global, national, state and community contexts. He is chief maven of SocialShifting, a social design, marketing and media consultancy and holds faculty appointments in the George Washington University, University of Maryland and University of South Florida schools of public health. His current work focuses on integrating design thinking, social media and mobile technologies into social marketing and organizational change programs. He has also been coordinating a global effort to establish a digital platform and professional association for social marketers. Dr Lefebvre received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from North Texas State University and produces and writes the blog On Social Marketing and Social Change

For more information or to register online, please visit the conference website at (follow the link to the 3rd Annual Social Marketing Conference). Please note that an Early Bird fee applies to those who register before Friday 25th March!

Best wishes,


Valerie Parker
Room 343
Centre for Innovation and Structural Change (CISC)
J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics
National University of Ireland, Galway

Tel: +353 (0)91 49 5971
Fax: +353 (0)91 49 5524