Dear All
The national Claiming Our Future event on poverty and income inequality is totally relevant to the environmental issues that you and I campaign on. Poverty and environmental degradation are inextricably linked and societies that are less equal have poor environmental records. It is very important to use this event to bring this understanding to the other sectors attending this event. So far only 13 0f the 390 registerd for the event are from the broadly environmental background. To have one voice at each of the 50 tables we will need 50 Please try and get to this important event and claim the future for the environment.
Register here
Event: CLAIMING OUR FUTURE IDEAS - 'Reducing Income...
Date: Saturday, May 28, 2011 at 10:00 AM
Bailey Allen Hall
National University of Ireland, Galway
University Road
Hi All.
Here is the agenda for Claiming Our Future Ideas- Reducing Income.
Best wishes, Richie.
In: NUI, GALWAY, On: 28TH MAY 2011, Registration: 10.00 am.
Claiming our Future identified eight policy themes in the RDS in October 2010. One of these was to 'Achieve greater income equality and reduce poverty through wage, tax and income policies that support maximum and minimum income thresholds'.
This national discussion aims to:
1. Share information and perspectives on low income and poverty, on high incomes and inequality, and on what a more equal, poverty free Ireland would look like.
2. Encourage and support debate and action across the country to build support for income equality and a more equal and poverty free Ireland.
3. Identify initiatives that could progress these issues
11.00 am – Plenary Opening.
· This session will welcome participants, introduce and set the context to the event, and provide input on the reality & consequences of income inequality.
11.15 am – Table Debate 1: The Politics of Income Equality.
· This discussion will explore what income equality might be and what is stopping us from being more equal and poverty free.
12.30 pm - Table Debate 2: Tackling High Incomes and Inequality.
· This discussion will explore the key issues around high incomes and what a maximum income threshold would involve.
13.30 pm – Lunch
14.30 pm – Re-opening Plenary
· This session will give initial feedback from the morning discussions.
14.45 pm – Table Debate 3: Tackling Low Incomes and Poverty.
· This discussion will explore the key income issues for people in low pay and poverty and what a minimum income threshold would involve.
16.00 pm – Table Debate 4: How to progress these issues?
· This discussion will explore levers for change at national level and actions that could be taken at local level.
17.00 pm – Closing Plenary
· This session will give initial feedback from the afternoon discussions and identify next steps.
17.30pm - Close