Limited number of places available
Respond! and CAN are together offering a Two Day Workshop on Community Development to be delivered on the 7th and 8th of October, in Respond!, High Park, Dublin 9
Who is the training for? This course will be of particular interest to people working or volunteering in Community Development, Housing, Regeneration, Adult and Community Education.
What is the purpose of the course?
- To learn more about, become familiar with, and explore the thinking and principles of Community Development.
· To understand the tools of social analysis and to reflect on how to apply them within your practise.
- To experience exercises and processes you might use in your work and in the community.
- To enhance and strengthen your skills in working within local communities.
- To network with other learners in a safe and creative learning space.
What process will be used? The 2 days will take the form of experiential, participative and hands-on workshops with lots of exercises and discussion to ensure peer learning.
How much will it cost? €200 waged (€160 volunteers/unwaged) inc. lunch, tea/coffee, materials. Early bird offer of €160 (€140 volunteers/unwaged) for bookings received before the 7th September 2009. 25% reduction for the second or more applications from one organisation.
The course will commence at 10am each day and conclude at 4.30pm.
Please contact 01-8087760 for enquiries and booking forms
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Respond! Voluntary Housing Association is a company limited by guarantee and registered in Dublin, Ireland Reg. No. 90576
Registered Charity No. 6629
Registered Office: Airmount, Dominick Place, Waterford.