Sep 8, 2011

Sustainable Strategies for dealing with Ireland's debt crisis


The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability
"Designing systems for a changing world"

National Strategies for dealing with Ireland's debt crisis Exploring the options

Thursday afternoon 22nd - Friday 23 September 2011
Mont Clare Hotel, Merrion Square, Dublin

Ireland's current national economic and monetary strategy has been described as 'relying on the kindness of strangers'. Very few alternatives to the current policy have been properly explored. There are plausible reasons for this - the fear of an adverse market response, the lack of intellectual leadership, perhaps the vested interests of the status quo.

Whatever the reason, alternative strategies that Ireland could adopt to deal with its unprecedented debt crisis need to be fully explored and debated. Feasta's autumn conference will examine measures that this country could adopt to secure its economic future which do not leave it reliant on external factors, largely outside of its control.

This two-day event will address several key questions - Can Ireland rely on global economic growth to resolve its public debt crisis? What is the relationship between energy, the crisis and future economic growth? What about private debt problems including mortgage debt? Can the Euro survive? Should Ireland plan for a Euro-zone break up? Is anything to be gained by leaving first? Could a new Irish currency working in parallel with the Euro be a better solution?

Leading international economists have been invited to respond to these important questions:

  • US based Marshall Auerback (Roosevelt Institute Fellow & global portfolio strategist for Madison Street Partners, LLC) will address the quandary of the Eurozone from a provocative new monetary perspective.
  • Prof. Charles Goodhart (member of the Financial Markets Group at the London School of Economics & former monetary adviser to the Bank of England) will discuss the merits of a parallel/ secondary currency model.
  • Bernard Lietaer (author of 'The Future of Money' & international expert in currency systems) will share his insights into the potential benefits of regional currencies within a larger monetary union.

Respected Irish economists of both mainstream and alternative viewpoints will engage with these ideas, discuss their own proposals and fully explore the options available to Ireland. Speakers include Fergal O'Brien (Chief Economist - IBEC), Richard Douthwaite (Sustainability Economist and Author), Dan O'Brien (Economic Editor- Irish Times), Paul Sweeney (economist with ICTU), Prof Ray Kinsella (UCD, Michael Smurfit Business School.), Constantin Gurdjiev (Adjunct Prof. of Economics TCD) and David Korowicz (Physicist and Human Systems Ecologist).

The audience will be encouraged to fully participate in the debate, which will be stimulated by moderators who are also expert in their fields. Moderators include David McWilliams (Economist), Peter Matthews TD (Banker and Fine Gael TD), Prof. Terrence McDonough (Economics Dept. NUIG), Karl Deeter (Irish Mortgage Brokers), Graham Barnes (IT Currency Consultant), Deirdre de Burca (Former Green Party Spokesperson on EU affairs) and Emer O'Siochru (Architect and Renewable Energy Developer).

The conference is aimed at economists, politicians, policy-makers, business people, social partners and other interested parties.


Thurs & Friday September 22nd & 23rd


1.00pm Thursday 22nd Sept.


Thurs 2.00 - 5.30 p.m
Friday 10am - 4pm


Mont Clare Hotel, Merrion Square, Dublin 2.

Conference Fee:

€80 full conference, €60 one day, €250 Corporate Fee, concessions for Feasta and IEN members.

Advance booking is essential.


Emer O'Siochru (general enquiries) 086 826 7555

Rachel Henderson (media enquiries) 086 843 8379

Conference website:
Conference programme: