Aug 15, 2011

Notice of SustClon Ltd. AGM, call for nominees & other news


The Sustclon Ltd AGM will be held on Wednesday, 21st September 2011 at 8pm at O'Donovan's Hotel. 


Everyone is very welcome to attend, but only financial members are able to stand for Board positions, and to vote.  The Board has recommended that to be eligible to become a director you must be either a person of long term good standing in the community, and shown a commitment to our cause, or have been a member of one of the Sustainable Clonakilty Working Groups for at least one year.  If you are interested in becoming a Board member please let me know, as there will be positions available.

If not already a financial member, you may become one by paying your €10.00  2011 dues to me now.

Kind regards
