Aug 29, 2011

Announcement of Sustainable Environment and Water (WFD Fellowships) Research Calls

For your information, the EPA have announced the following calls for research proposals:

  • Sustainable Environment Research Call
  • Water Research Call (WFD Fellowships)
Applications for both calls must be made using the EPA Grant Application & Project Management Portal available at:

Online application for both calls is a two-step process:
1. Submission of proposals by applicants before the Call Deadline: 13th September 2011 (5pm);
2. Authorisation of Proposals by Research Offices / Managing Directors of companies before the Organisation Approval Deadline: 23rd September 2011 (5pm).

You can find more information on the EPA website at:

The call has also been advertised in today's Irish Times

Regards EPA STRIVE Programme 2007-2013