We need everyone's help to find suitable sites for a new research project on septic tanks. The EPA funded project aims to find solutions for single household on-site wastewater in areas where conventional septic tanks may not be the most appropriate form of treatment. You might have heard in the news that the European Court is going to prosecute Ireland (lump sum fine of €2.7 million plus a daily penalty of €26,173) for failing to comply with the EU Water Framework Directive relating to septic tanks in single households. The outcome of this project will find applications in the new laws and regulations that are requested by the EU to protect water quality and human health.
We are looking to monitor sites in a range of soil permeabilities but if the site is suitable and in an area of low soil permeability there is the chance to be selected for one of the main sites where we would upgrade the old soakaway to a new modern system FOR FREE!
All you need to do is let us know if the following points apply to you or any of your friends or family:
1. You are living in a house in the countryside, not connected to the main sewer system.
2. You have an on-site wastewater treatment system consisting of a septic tank and a soakaway. This is more likely to be in place in older houses (15 to 20 years).
3. The house is occupied by at least 3 people.
4. You are willing to cooperate with a few researchers in TCD and allow a few probes to be installed around the area of the soakaway with someone coming on a regular basis to take samples.
So please get in touch with us if you think you might know a suitable site. Your help and your time are much appreciated!
Kind regards,
Donata Dubber (Postdoctoral researcher, Dipl. Environmental Science)
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2
phone: + 353 (0)1 896 1146
mobile: + 353 (0)85 8232426
email: dubberd@tcd.ie