Jul 5, 2011

A plea for just a little support to make the Cork Cycling Festival happen!

Hello friends of the festival!

I do hope by now that one of our beautiful 2011 brochures has found its way to you - this year's festival is bigger than ever and as always 100% free.

Last week we set up a Fundit campaign to meet the costs of our biggest event, an outdoor fashion show, CycleChic which will take place on the Grand Parade from 10pm on Saturday 23rd. As part of it we really want to bring in the RE:CYCLE bike-powered cinema but we need your help. 
We are half-way through our campaign though and less than 10% towards our goal :-(  please help us make it happen! A contribution of a fiver would be a great help - but see the wonderful rewards we have available for different donations - wonderful cycling accessories, invites to a great party and more! 
The focal point of our 100% free festival to promote cycling, now in its fourth year. Featuring bike powered RE:CYCLE cinema, head-turning designs for all weathers & hot wheels!

Your support would be hugely appreciated.

Nicki ffrench Davis
2011 Chairwoman

Cork Cycling Festival 2011
Twitter: corkcyclingfest