Jun 14, 2010

Biodiversity Knowledge Quest – setting priorities for 2020


Biodiversity Knowledge Quest – setting priorities for 2020

Ireland has agreed a conservation target to halt biodiversity loss by 2010. Over the last decade our knowledge on Ireland's biological diversity has expanded greatly, yet we still don't even know how many species there are in Ireland, where they are distributed and how their populations are changing. This will be the subject of a major meeting of scientists and recorders organised by the National Biodiversity Data Centre in Waterford on 26th & 27th August, as part of Ireland's contribution to International Year of Biodiversity 2010.

The National Biodiversity Data Centre is hosting this major meeting of scientists and recorders to provide an overview on the state of knowledge on Ireland's biodiversity in 2010. The event will bring together experts on biodiversity research and surveying in Ireland to outline how much our understanding of Ireland's biodiversity resource has increased over the last decade and to identify the major knowledge gaps that still exist.

Experts will highlight what is particularly significant about the different aspects of biodiversity, highlight what if any survey or monitoring programmes are in place and whether they are subject of any statutory protection. A series of workshops will explore where the key knowledge gaps remain and a list of priorities to fill those gaps will be produced.

The event will provide a major benchmark on the state of biodiversity knowledge in Ireland in 2010 and assist prioritisation of work to fill the remaining knowledge gaps in time for 2020, to coincide with the next international biodiversity target.

The event will be of interest to anyone involved with surveying and researching the distribution and conservation of Ireland's species and habitats. It will provide an opportunity to contribute to the knowledge base on Ireland's biological diversity and to influence the future direction of survey priorities needs in Ireland.

For programme and registration details please visit http://www.biodiversityireland.ie/home-page/latest-news/ or phone the Centre on 051 306 240.



Maria Walsh                                          Tel +353-51-306240
National Biodiversity Data Centre           Email mwalsh@biodiversityireland.ie
Beechfield House                                 

WIT West Campus                                




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