Jun 20, 2011

Bat Count 2011

National mid Summer's Bat Count starts on the 18th June and runs till the 24th June. If you have a bat roost or know of a local roost, please count the number of bats emerging over the coming week and log on your results on www.batconservationireland.org.


For the counts please follow the following guidelines:

1.       Before counting the bats, please receive permission from the roost owner if the location is not your own premises.

2.       Ensure that you know the exit point for the bats prior to surveying (i.e. complete a survey a week before the event. Make sure the site is safe to survey).

3.       Be in position 20 minutes after sunset or as it is starting to get dusky.

4.       Count each individual bat that emerges and count for a minimum of 60 minutes or until no more bats emerge for at least 10 minutes.

5.       Send your results to BCIreland either by postcard or log your results onto website.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.




Bat Conservation Ireland Ltd.

Registered Charity No. 13016

Company Registration No. 494343


Ulex House, Drumheel,

Lisduff, Virginia, Co. Cavan




00353 (0) 86 4049468