Sep 6, 2010

News from Irish Environmental Network

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Hedge Laying Association of Ireland
Irish Doctors Environmental Association
Irish Natural Forestry Foundation
Irish Peatland Conservation Council
Irish Seal Sanctuary
Irish Seed Saver Association
Irish Whale and Dolphin Group
Irish Wildlife Trust
Just Forests
Native Woodland Trust
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Sustainable Ireland Cooperative
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Zero Waste Alliance Ireland

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IEN eNewsbulletin
September 5th, 2010

In This Issue
Social Media Conference for Environmental NGOs
The Heritage Council Grants Programme
Consultation on the National Biodiversity Plan
Historic Seal release in Sligo.
European Youth Energy and Environment Platform Launch Conference
EGA Funder Directory
Reaping the Harvest:
Sonairte's courses for September
Upcoming courses at the Organic Centre
September edition of the Local Sustainability Newsletter
Latest Consultations
Upcoming Events
Dear Patrick Treacy,

Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter. Please help strengthen the environmental community in Ireland by submitting articles or notices of events. You can send your contributions to
We are aiming to publish this eNewsbulletin every Tuesday. Please send material by Monday for inclusion the following day.

If you wish to unsubscribe please follow the instructions at the bottom of this email.

To read the full articles just click on the links.

September 4th 2010, EU House, 18 Dawson Street, Dublin 2

A one day conference hosted by the EU Commission Representation in Ireland and in association with the Celsius research group, Dublin City University

The Heritage Council Grants Programme for 2011 is now open. The closing date for receipt of applications is Friday 8th October at 5.00 p.m. Please visit the Grants section of this website for information on making an application.


Ireland's National Biodiversity Plan PDF_icon[3.4MB] was launched in April 2002. The plan sets out the framework through which Ireland will provide for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity over a five-year period. Under fifteen themes and sectors, it details actions that will be pursued to achieve this objective.

On September 11th at 3pm history will be made when 5 seal pups are released back to the wild from Strandhill beach in Sligo.

Two of the pups were rehabilitated by the Irish Seal Sanctuary (ISS)  volunteers and staff  at the  new home of the Irish Seal Sanctuary in Courtown Harbour, Co Wexford; the other three were nursed back to health by the ISS volunteers,  at the .ISS satellite operation in Dingle  Wildlife and Seal Sanctuary, Co Kerry.

The European Youth Energy and Environment Platform puts under 35's at the heart of the debate on the energy and climate challenge, bringing together young professionals active in the field of EU Energy and Environment policy.

The Environmental Grantmakers Association website provided a list of funder foundations with current staff contacts. For more details see their funder directory.

Where: Industries Hall of the RDS in Dublin City
When: Saturday, 30th October (ALL-DAY)

'Claiming our Future' is an event to stimulate the emergence of a cross sectoral community
of interest and action for a more equal, inclusive and sustainable Ireland. We are organising

Minister Batt O'Keeffe will officially open Co. Corks first Master Composter Demonstration site in Quartertown Industrial Estate at 2pm on Saturday 18th September and all are invited.

The opening will also mark the graduation of thirty one Master Composter volunteers who are now available to present talks and host information stands at events around Co. Cork.  The Master Composter initaitive is part of the EPA's National Food Waste Prevention and Home Composting Programme.

In keeping with the seasons, in September courses and events at Sonairte will focus on making the most of the nature's bounty... so if you want to learn to make your own preserves, make cider from scratch, or learn how to forge for wild food please visit us.

  • Store and Preserve your Vegetables, Herbs and Fruit - revised
  • Mushroom Hunting
  • Seed Saving - Completing the Cycle
  • Troubleshooting Renewable Energy Sources

Comhar's newsletter is designed to provide a platform for information sharing for local authorities and communities on best practice on local sustainability. It is also available as a .pdf on their website

Latest Consultations

Upcoming Events
click here for details of these events

Saturday, 4 September
  • Birds of the West Coast Art Exhibition
  • Communicating environmental issues through the web - What can the internet deliver?
Sunday, 5 September
  • Birds of the West Coast Art Exhibition
  • Mushroom Hunting
Monday, 6 September
  • Birds of the West Coast Art Exhibition
  • Seminar on Shared Spaces
Tuesday, 7 September
  • Birds of the West Coast Art Exhibition
Wednesday, 8 September
  • Birds of the West Coast Art Exhibition
Thursday, 9 September
  • Birds of the West Coast Art Exhibition
Friday, 10 September
  • Birds of the West Coast Art Exhibition
Saturday, 11 September
  •  Birds of the West Coast Art Exhibition
  • Castle Espie's annual Green Living Fair
Sunday, 12 September
  • Birds of the West Coast Art Exhibition
  • Castle Espie's annual Green Living Fair
Saturday, 18 September
  • Seed Saving - Completing the Cycle
  • Troubleshooting Renewable Energy Sources

Wednesday, 22 September
  • Fundingpoint Seminar - Getting Grants & Raising Money
  • Youth for the Future Learning to Change our World - ECO-UNESCO Youth for Sustainable Development Conference
Friday, 24 September
  • IIEA conference: Improving the Energy Efficiency Of Irish Buildings: From Policy to Practice
Sunday, 26 September
  • Biodiversity of Butterflies and bogs day
Monday, 27 September
  •  International Waste Conference
Tuesday, 28 September
  • Sustain It! Becoming a sustainable youth organization
Friday, 1 October
  • 6th Irish Bat Conference