Aug 11, 2010

News from Irish Environmental Network

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IEN eNewsbulletin
August 10th, 2010

In This Issue
Call for prosecution of Ringfort destruction
Metro North - key questions.
An Taisce launch 'This place matters' community-led planning project.
Vacancy: Chief Executive, BirdWatch Ireland
You are invited to Climate Camp 2010
EPA launches 24 hour pilot phoneline for environmental complaints
The Case for Deflation.
More than 37,000 use bike scheme
Events at the Organic Centre.
Upcoming ECO-UNESCO training courses
Consultation on Birds and Natural Habitats Regulations 2010.
Ireland's performance is worst in europe for wildlife protection.
2010-Turning or Breaking Point for Europe's Wildlife?
Northern Ireland Marine Taskforce (NIMTF) vacancies
Upcoming Events
Dear Patrick Treacy,

Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter. Please help strengthen the environmental community in Ireland by submitting articles or notices of events. You can send your contributions to
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To read the full articles just click on the links.

Call for prosecution of Ringfort destruction

The environmental group Friends of the Irish Environment have written to the Minister for the Environment calling for prosecutions to follow the recent destruction of two ringforts in north Cork.

An Taisce's consultant Matthew Harley has provided one of the best analyses of the proposed €6bn Metro North.

"Ever wished you could have a say about the future of your county?  Don't complain after the plans are made, help to make" says Abby McSherry, facilitator working with the new community-led planning project , called 'This Place Matters' starting in Co Sligo soon.

Vacancy: Chief Executive, BirdWatch Ireland

BirdWatch Ireland is Ireland's largest nature conservation charity, dedicated to protecting Ireland's wild birds and their habitats. With over 12,000 members and continuing to grow strongly, BirdWatch Ireland is active all around the country through it full-time staff, dedicated volunteers and branch network. With a staff of around 35, the organisation is involved in practical conservation work and

You are invited to Climate Camp 2010

We're on a Road to Nowhere. Let's change track!
Join us for an inspiring community event of sustainable living, fun workshops for all ages, meeting people and taking direct action on the root causes of climate change. ....because nature doesn't do bailouts!
The camp is taking place in support of the local community and their opposition to

EPA launches 24 hour pilot phoneline for environmental complaints

Since June 2010 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in cooperation with four local authorities (Dublin City, Cork City, South Tipperary & Donegal) has been running a pilot environmental complaints telephone service designed to make it easier for the public to report such complaints.  The pilot line will run in these areas until the

The Case for Deflation

Feasta recently brought Stoneleigh to Ireland to give their Annual Lecture. Her message contains a lot of what Feasta has been trying to communicate.
They had our biggest audience in years for the lecture, definitely a sign of the times...
Here is a  link to a lecture about economic crisis given by Stoneleigh.

Even after 10 months the Dublin Bikes scheme has to rank up there with the plastic bag levy and the smoking ban as something that really works (concerns over the original contract and funding mechanism to one side).

  • Mushroom Hunting - pathless
  • Dry Stone Wall Construction

Upcoming ECO-UNESCO training courses

  • Environmental Education: one-day introduction to Education for Sustainable Development methodologies
  • Sustain It! Becoming a sustainable youth organization: 
  • Introduction to Sustainable Development (FETAC Accredited Module - L5) 
  • Introduction to Sustainable Development (FETAC Accredited Module)

The draft Birds and Natural Habitats Regulations 2010 is now available for public consultation.

BirdWatch Ireland has been lobbying to address many of the findings of the "2010: A Turning or Breaking Point for Europe's Wildlife?'" analysis.

Action is urgently required now to ensure a turning point rather than breaking point for Irelands most important habitats and species

BirdLife International (of which BirdWatch Ireland is a partner) has launched a groundbreaking new report on the state of biodiversity in the EU. Entitled '2010-Turning or Breaking Point for Europe's Wildlife?', it denounces the EU's failure to reach its target of halting biodiversity loss by 2010. The report also maps out the necessary

The Northern Ireland Marine Taskforce (NIMTF) are currently recruiting for

-          Marine Campaign Coordinator

-          Marine Technical Support Officer

Upcoming Events
click here for details of these events

Wednesday, 11 August
 ECO-UNESCO ECO-EXPLORERS Summer Camp for Children

Thursday, 12 August
 ECO-UNESCO ECO-EXPLORERS Summer Camp for Children

Friday, 13 August
 ECO-UNESCO ECO-EXPLORERS Summer Camp for Children
  Go Wild with Nature Summer Camps

Saturday, 14 August
 ECO-UNESCO ECO-EXPLORERS Summer Camp for Children

Sunday, 22 August
 Land-based Whale (and cetacean) Watching at 15 points in Ireland

Tuesday, 24 August
 One-day introduction to Education for Sustainable Development methodologies:

Saturday, 28 August
 Nationwide Wild Watch event focusing on invasive species

Sunday, 29 August
All day
 Nationwide Wild Watch event focusing on invasive species

Wednesday, 22 September
 Youth for the Future Learning to Change our World - ECO-UNESCO Youth for Sustainable Development Conference

Friday, 24 September
  IIEA conference: Improving the Energy Efficiency Of Irish Buildings: From Policy to Practice

This E-Newsbulletin is published by the Irish Environmental Network which airms to support information dissemination on the activities of its members.
The views expressed in this E-Newsbulletin are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Irish Environmental Network.
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