Jul 18, 2008

Notice Nature Events Map



I am contacting you on behalf of Notice Nature; Ireland's National Awareness Campaign on Biodiversity - run by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government.


On the Notice Nature website, we have a map of Ireland, upon which we mark in all the nature events happening in the various counties (see: http://www.noticenature.ie/map.html).  In order for this to remain updated, we rely on organisations, local authorities, and NGO's etc. to send us in details of events that they are running.


If your organisation is hosting any interesting biodiversity related activities, we would be more than happy to post these up on our 'Notice Nature in Your Area' map to promote these to the wide range of Notice Nature website users.


Activities posted on the Map to date have been varied and include; conferences, nature talks, gardening workshops, farmer's markets, nature trails and walks.


Please send on information on events to: info@noticenature.ie and include event location, time, date, and details.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Notice Nature team.


Kind regards,


Ruth Doyle


Tel: 01-4882965

Mob: 086.047.4702