9TH June. Beaumont Quarry – Information afternoon
Open afternoon to see what our proposals are for Beaumont Quarry. Come and find out about the Beaumont Quarry site and how it could be managed as a recreation/wildlife area. It is hard to imagine that such an oasis exists in the city but it does and here is your opportunity to find see one.
This event will be led by Jo Goodyear and Kyrle Allan. Kyrle has been undertaking research as part of a degree course at UCC and will be explaining his findings on why the quarry is important for pollinating insects.
Meet at the Spa Shop in Beaumont Drive at 3pm. The event is free
17th June. Ladybirds
We are offering a ladybird identification workshop. Come and find out what species of ladybird you may see in your local area. This is an important project as little is known about ladybirds and the Cork Branch are working with to ensure that this knowledge is increased. Ladybirds are also under threat to an alien species, the Harlequin and therefore it is of great importance that we know what we have before we lose it. The event will be led by Stephen McCormack and Paul Whelan.
The event is free. Meet at 10.30 Fota Wildlife Park, Education Centre. Please reserve a place. Please also contact us if you have no transport and require a lift.
Ladybird Identification workshop. Free. Venue Fota Wildlife Park, Education Centre.
Our newsletter will be available in September so we are now looking for any articles or any interesting photos. Please send any ideas or information to the editor at