Transition Cork City – The Resilient Rebels
We will be having a View & Vent night on the last Tuesday of every month. Our first such night is:
The Power of Community – How Cuba Survived Peak Oil
Date: Tuesday 31st August 2010
Time: 8 pm.
Venue: "We Made This", South Presentation Convent, Evergreen Street, Cork City (note this is the correct title for what we had previously referred to as the South Presentation Community Centre)
This film is a must see for anyone with even a passing interest in Peak Oil, and will be followed by a discussion of the film.
If you have any other ideas for future View and Vent events, which could be a film, a speaker, an open space discussion, etc, please let us know or add it to the discussion on our Facebook page at
Dominick Donnelly
Address: 1 Greenfield Lane, Cove Street, Cork City
Tel: 021-239 9419 (Home) or 087-121 0783 (Mobile)