Aug 4, 2010

News from Irish Environmental Network

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IEN eNewsbulletin
August 3rd, 2010

In This Issue
Irish Times reports on intensive cattle farming causing severe damage to protected Wexford dunes
Communicating environmental issues through the web - What can the internet deliver?
Go Wild with Nature Summer Camps
Vacancy: Habitats Strategy Research Specialist
Workshop - Fiscal Mechanisms for Marine Biodiversity.
Call for proposals for the first GBIF Young Researchers Award
Full Immersive Permaculture Design Certificate Course
IEEM Annual Conference. Biodiversity Beyond 2010
Seminar on Shared Spaces
August Events at Sonairte
Just Published: National Renewable Energy Action Plan.
Public consultation on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) legislation of the EU
Upcoming Events
Dear Patrick Treacy,

Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter. Please help strengthen the environmental community in Ireland by submitting articles or notices of events. You can send your contributions to
We are aiming to publish this eNewsbulletin every Tuesday. Please send material by Monday for inclusion the following day.

If you wish to unsubscribe please follow the instructions at the bottom of this email.

To read the full articles just click on the links.

Communicating environmental issues through the web - What can the internet deliver?

The EU Commission Representation in Ireland and the Celsius research Group, DCU, are hosting a special one day conference entitled "Communicating environmental issues through the web -What can the internet deliver?"

The Bog of Allen Nature Centre is now taking bookings for its summer camp running from Monday 9th - Friday 13th August.  The camp is open to students from the ages of 7-13 years and is fully supervised by experienced tutors.  The camp will run from 10am -1pm each day and activities throughout the week will include, pond dipping, an introduction to insect eating plants, woodland creepy crawlie hunt, nature crafts and last day bog party.  There are limited places remaining on this camp please contact the centre today on 045-860133 to avoid disappointment.

Meath Partnership is looking for someone to undertake research in the habitats and wildlife of Meath which can be developed or enhanced within the remit of the RDP LEADER Programme funding measures in order to allow for the appreciation and enjoyment of natural environments in County Meath.

Workshop - Fiscal Mechanisms for Marine Biodiversity
Wednesday August 4th, 10.30am-1.00pm, The Greenhouse

This workshop will discuss the environmental and economic aspects of Irish marine biodiversity and fiscal mechanisms that can help protect it. Speakers from Client Earth will discuss their Fishing Credit System proposal and the workshop will help form further research on fiscal mechanisms for marine biodiversity. Hosted by Smart Taxes Network. For more information contact

Copenhagen, Denmark, 1st July 2010:  The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), an intergovernmental initiative established to enable free and open access to biodiversity information via the internet to underpin sustainable development, today announced a call for proposals for the first GBIF Young Researchers Award 2010 (YRA). Two awards of Euro 4,000 each will be made available in 2010.

August 20th - 29th 2010 | The Ecovillage, Cloughjordan, Tipperary, Ireland | Booking 01 674 5773
Organised by Cultivate in association with The Village

Permacultureequips you with the skills needed to thrive in the new millennium. The certificate course is probably the most important training that anyone involved in environmental issues or building sustainable community could take. This is a fully accredited seventy-two hour Permaculture Design Certificate Course.

2-4 November 2010

Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, Ireland

In the International Year of Biodiversity, what Countdown 2010 targets have been met? How are new targets being identified and what tools will we have to meet them?

The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design and Engineers Ireland would like to invite you to a Seminar on Shared Spaces.

On:  Monday 6th September 2010

Venue: Engineers Ireland 22 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.

Time:  10:00 -  17:00

Fee:  This event is free and by registration only

Heritage and Harvest

In keeping with the seasons, events and courses at Sonairte in August celebrate heritage and harvest. All courses and events offer hands on, experiential learning, and fun for all the family. So, if you're starting out as a gardener, already have green fingers, or wish to take a break and learn some new creative skills in an informal learning atmosphere, Sonairte has something to offer every visitor.

The National Renewable Energy Action Plan is now available on the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources website:


The European Commission launched at the end of June 2010 a public consultation on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) legislation of the EU.

Upcoming Events
click here for details of these events

Friday, 6 August
  Go Wild with Nature Summer Camps

Monday, 9 August
 ECO-UNESCO ECO-EXPLORERS Summer Camp for Children
Tuesday, 10 August
All day
 ECO-UNESCO ECO-EXPLORERS Summer Camp for Children

Wednesday, 11 August
 ECO-UNESCO ECO-EXPLORERS Summer Camp for Children

Thursday, 12 August
 ECO-UNESCO ECO-EXPLORERS Summer Camp for Children

Friday, 13 August
 ECO-UNESCO ECO-EXPLORERS Summer Camp for Children
  Go Wild with Nature Summer Camps

Saturday, 14 August
 ECO-UNESCO ECO-EXPLORERS Summer Camp for Children

Sunday, 22 August
 Land-based Whale (and cetacean) Watching at 15 points in Ireland

Tuesday, 24 August
 One-day introduction to Education for Sustainable Development methodologies:

Saturday, 28 August
 Nationwide Wild Watch event focusing on invasive species

Sunday, 29 August
All day
 Nationwide Wild Watch event focusing on invasive species

Wednesday, 22 September
 Youth for the Future Learning to Change our World - ECO-UNESCO Youth for Sustainable Development Conference

Friday, 24 September
  IIEA conference: Improving the Energy Efficiency Of Irish Buildings: From Policy to Practice