Feb 26, 2010

Cork Cycling Arts Festival 2010

Be involved in Cork Cycling Arts Festival this year!






See email below.



From: adam D'Arcy [mailto:adamdarcy@hotmail.com]
Sent: 25 February 2010 09:08
To: community bikes cork; Darren McAdam-O'Connell; Nicki ffrench; Stephan Koch; Erwan Fresq; Leonard Gay
Subject: Cork Cycling Arts Festival 2010


Hi All,
we will have a meeting to discuss this years Cycling Arts Festival on Wednesday the 3rd of March at 6pm upstairs in Sin E on Coburg Street.
All volunteers welcome!
(Please pass on to anyone interested.)

bye, adam. 

Crosshaven Cycle Path

This leaflet from the Cork County Council website:

Feb 25, 2010

Cork Public Transport Feasibility Study

Cork Public Transport Feasibility Study

Recommendations to go on view and Public Consultation runs until 25th March 2010

Cork Public Transport Feasibility Study
Public Consultation

Exhibitions of the recommendations of the Cork Public Transport Feasibility Study for the Cork City Region (Metropolitan Cork) are being held at the following venues:

Millennium Hall, City Hall   23rd February 4.00 pm - 8.00 pm
City Library Wilton Shopping Centre 24th February 4.00 pm - 8.00 pm 
Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig  25th February 4.00 pm - 8.00 pm

The study recommendations are designed to provide for public transport needs for the Cork Region up to 2020 and beyond and include proposals for:
* A rapid transit system linking City Centre to Bishopstown/ Ballincollig and a future link to Mahon
* Enhancement of the conventional bus services network
* City Centre Traffic Management Scheme

The general public is welcome to attend and to give their views and submissions at the exhibitions or send them in writing to P. Casey, Senior Engineer Traffic, City Hall, Cork before 4.00 pm on the 25th March 2010

Feb 24, 2010

Visit to Cloughjordan

You are warmly invited to come along to join…..
Sustain West Corks'
"Community Powerdown-on the road"
On our trip to….
"The Village" in Cloughjordan, Tipperary
Sunday 14th March.


We will be leaving Dunmanway for 8am and returning for approximately 8pm. Arrangements for collection along the route can be made upon request. The size of the coach taking us will be dependant on numbers of seats pre-booked so please respond quickly to ensure your place. The journey will take approximately four hours each way, including a short break. Cultivate's Davie Philip the creator of the Community Powerdown Course and a Village resident will be our guide and facilitator whilst we are there. We will be sharing games, discussions, exercises and media footage with you whilst in transit, which will give those of you who have yet to attend a Community Powerdown Course a taste of what it's like. The course is in continuous development so we can adapt it to the changing needs of our communities.

The cost of a place will be approximately €25 per person, which will also cover lunch provided at The Village.
Please bring a notebook and pen, and whatever refreshments you will need for the journey.
To book your place please contact Caz at 028 25978 or by email
                                                                                 Deadline for bookings is Monday 8th March.

Feb 23, 2010

The SMILE Network - Saving Money through Industry Links and Exchanges


Waste Matchers, Cork's online waste exchange website, is delighted to announce a new initiative called the SMILE network. The first SMILE networking event will be held in the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, on 25th March 2010.  This event is funded by South Cork Enterprise Board and Cork County Council and is free of charge for all businesses.


The SMILE network aims to develop a network of businesses who save money by reusing each other's surplus products, by-products and reusable items or sharing services, space and logistics. The premise behind the SMILE network is that one businesses waste could become another businesses raw material resulting in a mutually beneficial relationship which saves both disposal and procurement costs.  


Please find attached a poster for the event, further information is available on www.wastematchers.com. I would appreciate it if you could promote this event to your contacts if possible.


If you need any more information please don't hesitate to contact me.


Kind regards,


Dr. Tara Singleton
Macroom E Ltd., Bowl Road, Macroom, Co. Cork
Tel: 026 20520, Direct Dial: 026 21012
Fax: 026 20536
E-mail: tara@wastematchers.com
Web: www.wastematchers.com / www.macroom-e.com

Training Workshop on Mosses and Liverworts

The IEEM are running a training workshop on using Bryophytes (Mosses and Liverworts) for Habitat Classification.  This is available to members of the IEEM and non-members. 


The workshop is planned to take place in the Derrygonnelly Field Studies Centre in County Fermanagh on Saturday April 24th. For further details about this workshop please see the IEEM website http://www.ieem.net/20100424bryophytes.asp

If you would like to attend then please book before 24th March 2010 to avoid disappointment.



Kate Harrington

IEEM Irish Section Convenor

Check out the new Earth Hour 2010 site at www.earthhour.org

Earth Hour 2010, it's Showtime!

At 8.30pm (local time) on Saturday 27 March, the greatest show on Earth for action on climate change will take place in homes, office buildings, town halls and public places around the globe as lights go out for Earth Hour 2010.

With 807 cities, towns and municipalities and 82 countries across every continent already signed up, Earth Hour 2010 is set to show the world that a resolution to the threat of global warming is possible through collective action.

Whether you are an individual, a business, a school or a city you can show your support. Check out our new website for lots of fun ways to get involved, help us spread the word and make Earth Hour 2010 the biggest Earth Hour ever.

Find out more Find out more
Panda Ambassador Mei Lan ushers in Chinese New Year by launching Earth Hour 2010 to the world
Mei Lan takes up her first new diplomatic duty launching Earth Hour in the her hometown of Chengdu, the first city in China to commit its support to Earth Hour 2010.
Find out more Find out more

Earth Hour Online
You can follow Earth Hour online in many other ways. Check out our social media profiles:
Facebook Facebook
Twitter Twitter
You Tube YouTube
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Blog Blog

Watch the 2010 Video
Check out the official video for Earth Hour 2010. Watch it on YouTube now.
Find out more Find out more

Butterfly workshop 15th May

Just to remind you that there is a butterfly workshop at Fota on the 15th May. This is free and very useful to those of you interested in joining or continuing with the workshop.
There are a limited number of places so if you are interested contact the National Biodiversity Data Centre in Waterford.

Feb 19, 2010

Sustain News - Spring 2010


Welcome to this newsletter / event notification we hope you find something that inspires you into Spring time action.

The Programme for this weekends Gathering taking place at Russagh Mill Hostel, Skibbereen, if you are interested in coming we have a few spare beds but workshops are filling fast. Call Caz on 028 25978.


Schedule (almost finalised)

Friday 19th February

6pm - Arrival
7pm – Evening meal
9pm - Introductions/ice-breakers

Saturday 20th

8.30-9.30am – Yoga/meditation/breakfast
10am – Morning circle, schedule for day, announcements
10.30-11.30am Workshop 1 - Wood Energy - Ciaran Nugent

11.45 - 12.45pm – Workshop 2 - Alternative Currencies - John Baker

1-2pm – Lunch

2pm – Energiser
2.30-4.30pm – Open Space Technology incl. Working Together and Funding - Matt MIlls, Caz Jeffries, Klaus Harvey
4.30pm – Tea

5-6pm – Free time

6-7pm – Evening meal
8pm – Evening games/music/films

Sunday 21st

9-10am – Yoga/meditation/breakfast
10.30am – Morning circle, schedule for day, announcements
11.00-12.30pm – Creative Environmental Education - Klaus Harvey

1-2pm – Lunch

2pm – Energiser
2.30-4.30pm – Nature Walk at Loch Hyne*
4.30pm – Tea & closing circle

* The Nature walk could take place on either afternoon depending on weather.





Community Powerdown Road Trip to 'The Village'

You are warmly invited to come along to join…..
Sustain West Corks'
"Community Powerdown-on the road"
On our trip to….
"The Village" in Cloughjordan, Tipperary
Sunday 14th March.
We will be leaving Dunmanway for 8am and returning for approximately 8pm. Arrangements for collection along the route can be made upon request. The size of the coach taking us will be dependant on numbers of seats pre-booked so please respond quickly to ensure your place. The journey will take approximately four hours each way, including a short break. Cultivate's Davie Philip the creator of the Community Powerdown Course and a Village resident will be our guide and facilitator whilst we are there. We will be sharing games, discussions, exercises and media footage with you whilst in transit, which will give those of you who have yet to attend a Community Powerdown Course a taste of what it's like. The course is in continuous development so we can adapt it to the changing needs of our communities.

The cost of a place will be approximately €25 per person, which will also cover lunch provided at The Village.
Please bring a notebook and pen, and whatever refreshments you will need for the journey.
To book your place please contact Caz at 028 25978 or by email

Deadline for bookings is Monday 8th March.



Community Orchard Project to be rolled out in West Cork

Community Orchards & Nut Groves

Sustain West Cork are partnering Skibbereen Town Council, Bantry Town Council & Tidy Towns and are looking to engage with Community Council's & others in Dunmanway, Durrus & Ballydehob. The project will give the chance to bring many different Community groups together for the planting such as Tidy Towns, Schools, Active Retirement, Growing Awareness (the Local Food Group) & gardening club etc. Having  such a broad range of people from the different groups come together for an actions such as this is fantastic for Growing Communities as much as Growing Fruit. These partnerships can be continued & developed during the seasons for pruning & maintenance & eventually harvesting.  We would also like to plant at least 2 fruit or nut trees in the grounds of every School in the areas which would give the chance for engagement with pupils of all ages.   

The initial planting to take place during National Tree Week 7th - 13 March will be of apprx 75 fruit & nut trees In groups of 12 - 15, with possibly some in School Grounds. This will mark the launch of the project. A second planting will take place in the Autumn during the interim months we will be accepting applications from Resident's Associations, Community Groups & Schools throughout the area for planting of Tree's in their grounds. We will be asking for a guarantee from these groups that they maintain the orchard's & harvest the fruit. Individuals & Company's will also be able to sponsor tree's & orchards.  Sustain are hoping to develop an educational programme to accompany the Autumn planting of the trees in schools.

As described above it gives the chance for networking of a diverse range of Community Groups and the chance to engage with pupils of all ages in awareness of the importance of Local Food Production & Biodiversity.  We have to totally re-think our food supply which is at present totally dependent on huge amounts of Fossil Fuel Inputs. It is said that in that with our current methods of Industrial Agriculture it takes on average 10 Calories of Fossil Fuel Energy to produce 1 Calorie of Food Energy this is clearly not Sustainable! Visually an orchard of blossoms that will appear throughout Spring & summer will be a beautiful assets to the areas. Plus the chance for local people to harvest the fruit and nuts in the years to come.

Purpose of the Project
    • To promote local food production               
    • To reduce Carbon Emissions through reduction of  imported fruit & nuts
    • To promote awareness of Sustainability                   
    • To promote the fact it is essential we switch from being a Nation of Consumers to a Nation of Consumer / Producers in coming years.
    • To help promote Biodiversity           
    • To help build Community Resilience

The project has secured funding from Local Agenda 21 Environmental Partnership 2009 through Cork County Council, further funding will now be sought in order to maximise the projects potential.

For further information contact Matt Mills matt@sustainwestcork.com



Anaerobic Digester & Commercial Heated Horticulture Project


Work on the Feasibility Studies has commenced we are now looking into how much food waste we can expect to be able to process in the Digester from the surrounding area. If you are are a Food Producer or Food outlet we hope to offer you a Solution to your Organic Waste disposal & an Investment Opportunity & would like to hear from you contact matt@sustainwestcork.com.


Basic Project info below:

Feasibility Study into the viability of an Anaerobic Digester producing Biogas giving Combined Heat & Power through the digestion of domestic & commercial kitchen organic waste. 

Sustain would like to see the plant coupled with a Heated Horticulture Operation to take some of the heat & power from the plant. Such an operation could grow both indoor & outdoor fruit and vegetables all year round that currently we have to import. This operation would provide significant, much needed employment in the area. With possibilities of training, education and even tourism.  The Anaerobic Digestion process also produces a digestate liquid that is very high in Nitrogen along with Co2 both of which have proved highly beneficial in promoting plant growth. This Nitrogen rich digestate is also of benefit to the farming community. We believe both operations should be owned by the local community probably following a co-operative business model.

The  AD CHP Biodigestor coupled with the Horticulture Operation would have several benefits:-
    • Helping meet our landfill targets
    • Creating Renewable Heat & Power
    • Reduction of food miles
    • Lower Carbon Emissions
    • Creating Employment
    • Strengthening Local Economies
    • Building Local Community Resilience
    • Potential for Fuschia Branded Exotic Fruits

The project has to date received considerable support both at Town & County Council level.

The Feasibity Studies are beign funded by the West Cork Development Partnership under the Rural Development Programme 2007-2013.

Consultants have now been commissioned for the 2 studies which will involve consultation with local stake
holders & the public, the studies will be completed by the end of May 2010.


New Resilient West Cork Facebook Group

We have collaborated with Transition Town Kinsale to create a Group / Page for all of us that want to work together to enable the communities of West Cork to become Resilient. General information & events can be posted along with blog posts take a look and join up at http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=309754001738  Spread the Word!


Press Release: New IWT Reserve

Press Release


18th Feb, 2010.


New Nature Reserve for Irish Wildlife Trust


The IWT is delighted to announce the latest addition to our collection of nature reserves around Ireland. Newcastle lake is situated in north county Meath and is an important site for the county's biodiversity. It is home to Kingfishers, Otters, Cormorants and Ravens. In winter Atlantic salmon pass through it to spawn in the river Dee while wildfowl, including Whooper swans, roost on its calm surface. In summer the air buzzes with dragonflies and swooping Daubenton's bats. This fantastic reserve brings to five the total under IWT management.


The IWT has a network of reserves around the county that it aspires to expand in the future in order to protect more and more of Ireland's wildlife and their habitats. Our other reserves are wet grassland sites in Macroom Co. Cork, and in the Shannon Callows a unique area flooded annually by the river Shannon and important for many bird species such as Lapwing and Corncrake. The IWT also owns a bogland reserve at Boora Bog Co. Offaly and manages a reserve within Co. Dublin along the banks of the river Tolka at Ashtown.


The Newcastle Lake reserve is privately owned and is not accessible to the public. However there will be guided tours later in the year for those who would like to visit and these will be open to all IWT members. IWT membership subscriptions partly go towards managing these reserves for the benefit of wildlife so every new member counts! Go to www.iwt.ie to become a member today.




For further information please contact Kieran Flood IWT Reserves Officer 

Ph: 01 860 2839 or E-mail: reserves@iwt.ie


Editors Notes:

The Irish Wildlife Trust was founded in 1979 as a charitable conservation body. We provide the public with information about wildlife, run education and training programs like SAC Watch and the Outdoor Classroom Programme, carry out habitat and species surveys like the IWT National Lizard Survey, campaign and lobby around biodiversity issues, restore natural habitats, consult with industry, agriculture and Local Authorities to maintain our natural heritage and contribute to national and international forums for the protection of biodiversity. The IWT is a nationwide organisation with a strong membership base, staff and Board of Directors, with branches in Clare,  Tipperary, Limerick, Waterford and Cork.

Feb 18, 2010

Reminder: Review of the Electoral Area Local Area Plans

Dear all,

Here are the revised dates for the Public Information Events around the county regarding the Electoral Area Local Area Plans (organised by area).

Please note that the Outline Strategy Documents are currently open for consultation.


Electoral Area

Public Information Venue


12th Jan


Trident Hotel, Kinsale

4 - 8pm

21st Jan


Town Hall, Bandon

2 - 8pm

19th Jan


Maritime Hotel, Bantry

2 - 8pm

11th Feb


Community School, Castletownbere

4 - 8pm

16th Feb


Schull Community College

4 - 8pm

12th Jan


Commons Inn, New Mallow Road

2 - 8pm

9th Feb


Blarney Castle Hotel

4 - 8pm

16th Feb


Vienna Woods Hotel, Glanmire

4 - 8pm

26th Jan


Rochestown Park Hotel, Douglas

2 - 8pm

11th Feb


Carrigaline Court Hotel

4 - 8pm

19th Jan


Youth Centre, Fermoy

4 - 8pm

28th Jan


Firgrove Hotel, Mitchelstown

2 - 8pm

18th Jan


Edel Quinn Hall, Kanturk

2 - 8pm

26th Jan


Wallis Arms Hotel, Millstreet

4 - 8pm

4th Feb


James O' Keeffe Institute, Newmarket

4 - 8pm

18th Feb


Charleville Park Hotel

4 - 8pm

4th Feb


Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig

2 - 8pm

18th Feb


Castle Hotel, Macroom

4 - 8pm

9th Feb


Community Centre, Buttevant

2 - 8pm

14th Jan


Midleton Park Hotel

2 - 8pm

18th Jan


Walter Raleigh, Youghal

4 - 8pm

21st Jan


Commodore Hotel, Cobh

4 - 8pm

2nd Feb


Community Centre, Carrigtwohill

4 - 8pm

14th Jan


West Cork Hotel, Skibbereen

4 - 8pm

28th Jan


Quality Hotel, Clonakilty

4 - 8pm

2nd Feb


Parkway Hotel, Dunmanway

2 - 8pm

Review of the Electoral Area Local Area Plans

Cork County Council has commenced a review of the 10 Electoral Area Local Area Plans originally adopted in 2005 that together cover the entire County.

It is the Council's intention to prepare a new draft Local Area Plan for each electoral area and to make these available to the public for comment during the Autumn of 2010 so that the new local area plans can be completed before September 2011. It is envisaged that the new plans will replace the Special Local Area Plans prepared in 2005 for Carrigtwohill, Midleton and Blarney – Kilbarry. The Special Local Area Plan for Mallow adopted in 2007 will not be affected.

At this initial stage, to help explain the planning issues that the electoral areas will face, a series of Outline Strategy documents are being prepared and the County Council intends to make these available for public consultation between Monday, 4 January 2010 and 4.00 pm on Monday, 1 March 2010. Copies of the Outline Strategy will be available to inspect and/or purchase from the Planning Policy Unit from 4 January 2010. Copies will also be available for inspection at Council Offices, libraries and at www.corkcoco.ie from the first day of the consultation period.

Any member of the public wishing to make a written submission can do so during that period either in paper format or by e-mail. Written submissions may be addressed to The Senior Planner, Planning Policy Unit, Floor 13, County Hall, Cork. E-mail submissions may be sent to lapsubmissions@corkcoco.ie and must include the full name and postal address of the person/organisation making the submission.

Feb 17, 2010

Cork City Biodiversity Action Plan

For those interested in the action plan for Cork City. This is the web link.


EDA Intercultural Event : World Food Share, This Saturday

Ethical Development Action



Invite you to our First Event of 2010


World Food Share Intercultural Get Together




The Blarney St Community Centre




Saturday 20th February 2010, 4.30 pm - 7.30 pm



Come and enjoy good company and entertainment


 Food from around the world, music, children's face painting …

Feb 16, 2010

Irish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme 2010

Subject: Irish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme 2010
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010
From: eregan@biodiversityireland.ie

Dear butterfly enthusiasts,


We're busy here at the Centre finishing the annual report for 2009 – sorry for the delay.


In the meanwhile, 2010 has crept upon us and with it the preparation for this year's monitoring.


Hopefully, you're planning on monitoring your transect again this year. If you need any more data entry sheets, etc. please email.


We have two workshops this year – one in Kinvarra in April and one in Fota Wildlife Park in Cork in May. Details can be found at http://www.biodiversityireland.ie/home-page/events-in-2010/ and you can email info@biodiversityireland.ie to book.


If you have any friends or family interested in getting involved, please encourage them! We are hoping to increase the number of transects again this year.


Also, if you have any feedback on the scheme and the website, we'd love to receive it.


Thank you for all your support.


Best wishes,

Eugenie and Stefanie


Dr. Eugenie Regan

National Biodiversity Data Centre

WIT West Campus,


Co. Waterford,



Irish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme



Water Beetles of Ireland



phone:  + 353 (0) 51 306240

mobile: +353 (0) 87 9605550


Visit www.biodiversityireland.ie for a map of our location.

The National Biodiversity Data Centre is operated under service level agreement for the Heritage Council,

Ireland, by Compass Informatics Limited. Compass Informatics Limited is registered in Ireland IE 8263347F with

a registered office at Block 8, Blackrock Business Park, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.


People's Picnic and Tree-planting at Ringaskiddy

People's Picnic and Tree-planting at Ringaskiddy
Sunday 7th March 2010, 1pm - 5pm
Gobby Strand

For 6  or 7 years in a row now people have gathered at Gobby Strand, Ringaskiddy, Co Cork to plant trees at the site some  refer to as The People's Forest.

For those who do not know the site has also been proposed by multi-national waste management company Indaver as the site for their industrial waste incinerator.
Our aim in planting trees here is to give shape to a positive vision for the harbour area based on restoration of ecosystems and communities and the creation of an economy that supports this.
We invite people with an interest in the above to join us here, to meet with like minded folk and to take constructive action in growing another world.

From Cork City;
Car pool from outside Connolly Hall meet at 11.45pm (gives time to get the bus if no-one with cars turn up)
Number 223 leaves bus station at 12.15pm arr. Ringa at 1pm

Useful Things to Bring:
Waterproof clothing; Leggings, Jackets (beware brambles) and Boots
Flask with hot drink
Good food to share
Basic first aid, plasters etc
Native or appropriate trees
Tools for slashing clearing, digging
Cameras and video and notebooks – Record what you do if you can

This event is being organised by a very small group of volunteers. If you would like to help us and make it more successful please contact:

Practical Info
 Notes on Tree Planting
Never feel you need ask permission to plant a Tree. This is a highly personal action between you and the Earth, no-one has the right to interfere. We would like to see massive, spontaneous plantings of Trees all across the country.
 Having said that a certain amount of sensitivity to and knowledge of local circumstances and to the Trees themselves will go a long way in ensuring the Trees you plant thrive.

Generally, stick to native species rather than introducing exotics to an area although given climate change and the unpredictability of the future there is an argument for experimenting with others. It's helpful to look at Trees already growing in an area and use them as a guide for species to plant.
Suggested species for Ringaskiddy are willow , hazel, alder and birch for the damp areas,
For the drier area perhaps,hawthorn, blackthorn, crab apples, wild pear, oak, ash, holm oak, we could also try Planting sweet chestnuts and walnuts which may be a valuable food crop in the future.

Planting Tips:
It's important to look at aspect and drainage. The Ringaskiddy site is mainly east facing which means it gets good sun in the morning and it's close to the sea but is fairly sheltered because of the harbour. You may also notice it's very damp at the bottom of the hill at this time of year.
This land is also used for grazing cattle which means we have to be cunning as to how we plant as cows can damage young Trees. A tactic that has worked well so far is to make keyhole openings into the gorse and brambles into which we plant our Trees and then allow them to grow up around the Tree thus protecting it. The danger here is that the brambles etc grow up too vigorously and smother the Tree so it's good if you can call back once or twice a year to check on your Tree and clear around it a bit. It will appreciate the attention.

When planting think about the eventual size your Tree will grow to. This has implications if you are planting close to buildings or structures (some buildings could do with being overrun by Trees in my opinion) but also for other Trees and plants. As a general rule plant larger Trees towards the north, away from the sun and yr smaller ones at the front so that they are not overshadowed by the larger ones.

There's a lot more to this obviously but the best thing is to learn by doing, plant a Tree, come back and visit it, build a relationship with the place and the others who use it. This means that if it is ever under threat there will be people who care enough to stand up together and protect it.Tie bright coloured material round outer branches of Tree to find later.
Existing woodlands are important, especially ones that you know to be ancient, they are reservoirs of vital biodiversity that must be preserved and strengthened, they are sources of seed for growing more Trees and decaying matter or mulch, this can be added to the soil around planted Trees, helping establish a good microflora in the soil.
Call to the site any time, to work try to bring someone who knows a bit about Trees
Be respectful and sensitive to other peoples' work
Share your skills and knowledge
Please try and record your work for posterity and planning

Feb 15, 2010

Bat walk


Name of organisation participating


Cork County Bat Group


The Lough


Date of event


March 27th 2010


Day of week & times


Saturday 7-8.30pm


Type of event


Guided bat walk & launch of new bat information panels


Brief description of event


The Lough is home to five of Ireland's species of bats. Join Conor Kelleher, one of Ireland's bat specialists for an evening walk around The Lough to learn about these shy mysterious creatures. Cork County Bat Group in partnership with Cork City Council will also launch the new bat information panels at the Lough


Additional information



Free but ticketed

Meet in front of the Hawthorn Bar on Hartland's Avenue

Tickets available from


Cork City Council