Oct 20, 2009

Are you interested in Transition Towns in Cork City?

Are you interested in Transition Towns in Cork City?


Several towns around Ireland are getting involved in the Transition Initiative.  But what happens if you live in a city? 


If you want a slice of the action there are 2 routes to take:


·         A distinct neighbourhood within a city can become a Transition Town.

·         The city can become a Local Transition Hub.


This notice is to ascertain the level of interest in the above in Cork City.  If you would like to get involved please email ttcorkcity@gmail.com (stating particular interests/opinions/experience) with a view to holding a meeting in the near future.


For more information


…Google 'Transition Initiatives Primer'  - a 50 page document well worth a read


www.transitionnottingham.org.uk  - Transition Towns at city scale.


www.transitiontowns.org – all about the transition network