Oct 13, 2009

Public Consultation on Coillte Forest Management Plans

Coillte is continuing its consultation process on our Forest Management Plans  (FMPs).  In doing so, we wish to ensure local participation in the planning process, and once again we are looking for your help.  If  you made a  submission in relation to either the pre-planning stage or the feedback stage of  our consultation process, again we would like to take this opportunity to thank you.

We are now entering  into the feedback stage of our consultation process on the final 137 FMPs, and have recently added these FMPs in draft format onto the Coillte website www.coillte.ie.   

Ø  To see more details on the Forest Management Planning review process, click on our website.

Ø  Please see the forest schedule on our website to check if an FMP of interest to you is included

Ø  Details of FMP consultation meetings will be advertised locally and published on our website.

The consultation period for these draft plans is 4 weeks (5th October 2009 –  2nd November 2009). Please note that consultation submissions will be available to others and are therefore not confidential.  

We will respond to your queries and endeavour to incorporate any suggestions / concerns you may have into our plans; however, because forest management is quite a complex process, we may not be able change our plans to reflect all submissions received.  In these cases, we will attempt to explain the reasons why.  In this way, we can all continue to benefit from the unique set of natural resources which are vested in Coillte to be managed for multiple end uses.  Coillte manages the forest estate according to Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) principals and endeavours to balance the social, economic and environmental aspects of our business.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this planning process, and we look forward to working with you again to ensure that our forests are managed for our benefit and for that of  local communities.