Oct 16, 2009

Fun on Sunday at Blackrock Castle in aid of Permaculture Gardens in Beirut

Next Sunday at Blackrock Castle enjoy a free concert featuring Ricky Lynch, Ger Wolfe, Fintan Lucey, Dave Murphy and Guests - from 5.30pm.

This follows the earlier Kidz Party at 3.30pm with Cinderzella, Puppet show, Juggling, Games, Facepainting, Mexican piata and free food for the children.

All Donations in aid of FAID School for Deaf Children, Beirut - where two Permaculture volunteers (Ml. O'Callaghan and Danny O'Keeffe) are going for 100 days to develop the gardens with the aim of providing food for the school.

see www.friendsoffaid.org (see under 'The Garden Project')

Please spread the word !!!