Feb 23, 2009

Social Economy recognised by European Parliament

This was just forwarded to me by Jose Ospina who has been on the CEF
committee in the past...

Dear Colleagues,

Further to our discussions on the definition and role of social
economy enterprises, you will no doubt be pleased to know that these
bodies have been officially recognised and given status by the
European Parliament in the recent Report passed by an overwhelming
majority of the EP.

This will no doubt make a difference to the role of the sector in future.

Kind regards

José Ospina

Carbery Housing Association

Tel 028 21890

Mobile 086 8224429

Dear members,

We are very glad that the Report on Social Economy introduced by MEP
Patrizia Toia was approved by the European Parliament with 580 votes
in favour, 22 against and 44 abstentions.

This large majority is a clear sign of the interest the European
Parliament takes in social economy.

>We are particularly happy to see that the proposals from REVES to >insert a strong and clear reference to the partnership with local authorities and the territorial dimension of social economy (see points 27, 37, 41 and 45) were retained.

This is due to the credibility we have gained during the years,
through Our common work since the creation of REVES in 1996.

We also want to thank the highly professional actions carried out by
the Brussels secretariat as well as the personal commitment of
Councillor Viviana Apolone in contacts with Mrs Toia.

Jan Olsson and Philippe Chesneau

Co-Presidents of REVES

Luigi Martignetti

Secretary General