Feb 16, 2009

Bike Flea Market


Saturday 21ST March 2009, from 11.00 am to 5.00 pm

Unitarian Church, Princes Street, Cork City


As part of its promotional scheme to encourage the use of sustainable transport, Cork City Council organises a Bike Flea Market. This market will be free and open to the public. It is dedicated to people who want to buy or to sell a second-hand bike and cycling accessories.


I am pleased to invite you to take part in the event by bringing second-hand bikes and accessories to sell.


To book a place for the Bike Flea Market, please contact Gaelle Croisier, 021-4924657, gaelle_croisier@corkcity.ie, before the 27th February. Early booking is highly recommended as the Unitarian Church is a small venue.


The Bike Flea Market is organised by Cork City Council and supported by the Trendy Travel European project and Intelligent Energy Europe.