While getting out to work in the garden may be the last thing on our minds
during this cold snap it is a great time of year to start planning for the
gardening year ahead and sharing ideas can be a great source of
One way of meeting like minded growers or would-be-growers is to join a
Grow it Yourself Ireland group. On Thursday 21st January Midleton
Transition Town are hosting a launch meeting in association with Grow It
Yourself Ireland to set up a Midleton GIY group. The launch is taking
place at 6pm in Midleton Library.
We are lucky to have Mick Kelly of GIY Ireland coming to talk about the
organization and what the groups are all about. More information about GIY
Ireland can be seen on the website at http://www.giyireland.com/home.php
I hope to see you at the launch and please pass on the details to anyone
you know who may be interested.
Best Wishes,
Louise Baker