Jun 16, 2009

Training opportunity: Plan and Design Solar Thermal Systems

Planning and Designing Efficient and Reliable Solar Thermal Systems

Lifetime Lab in Cork on 26th July and at Royal Marine Hotel in Dun
Laoghaire (Co. Dublin) on 10th July

Did you know that:

-          All newly built houses have to be supplied with renewable
energy for heating or electricity;

-          Private and public institutions are increasingly choosing
to future-proof their building stock with solar energy;

-          In excess of 43,000 m2 of solar thermal collectors were
installed in Ireland in 2008, one of the highest installation rates in

-          Solar thermal systems installed in residential and
commercial buildings are eligible for subsidies and tax relief.

The potential and benefits of solar thermal energy are huge. If as a
professional, you want to be able to:

-          Advice your clients with accurate and up-to-date
information on solar thermal applications;

-          Carry out a feasibility study that gives a true picture of
the lifecycle costs of solar thermal projects;

-          Design and specify solar thermal systems that are efficient
and durable;

-          Understand and plan for the practicalities of solar thermal
systems installations…

… then you should attend one of our one-day training workshops on
Planning and Designing Efficient and Reliable Solar Thermal Systems.
Drawing on our unique experience as independent sustainable design
consultants, DWEcoco offers training workshops that are packed with
useful information and focussed on practical know-how.

For full details and registration form for our workshops, please see
the flyer attached. Places are limited to 20 to ensure a focused
learning experience and we therefore encourage you to register as soon
as you can to avoid disappointment.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by email at training@dwecoco.ie
or by phone on 021/4966757 if you wish further information. We would
be very grateful to you if you could spread the word about these
workshops by circulating this announcement among your colleagues,
friends and other interested parties.

Sunny regards,


Xavier Dubuisson MEng. MSc.

Senior Sustainable Design Consultant

DW EcoCo - training team

First Floor, Lawley House,

Monahan Road, Cork


T : +353 (0)21 4966757

F : +353 (0)21 4966771

E : training@dwme.ie

Delap and Waller EcoCo Limited: Integrated Sustainable Design
Consultants is a joint venture between Delap and Waller Mechanical &
Electrical Consulting Engineers Limited and EcoCo: Sustainable
Building Consultants.

Registered in Dublin No. 398740 Registered Office - Bloomfield House,
Bloomfield Avenue, Dublin 8.

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