Mar 18, 2009

CEF planting for Tree Week, March 2009

Many thanks to Richard Delahunty for organising the following planting events for CEF:

1--Wednesday 4/3/2009---Boys Primary School Skibbereen.

2--Thursday 5/3/2009---West Carbury/ Skibbereen Golf Club.

3-- Monday 9/3/2009 --Community based New Garden for people with special needs.
                            Perrott House
                              West Cork Mental Health Services
                                Hospital Grounds

4--All events C.E.F. Promotions and Sponsored by Coillte Teoranta and O2
5--Talks given about C.E.F.
6--Photographs taken.
7--Trees Planted/ distributed---50 Ash
                                44 Oak.
                                 49 Birch
                                  26 Alder
                                            Total 169

8--Numbers present--20 Adults
                   24 Children

In addition 8 birch trees were planted with the help of Claire Osborne at the Aisling Day Care centre in Mayfield for Tree Week.