Oct 9, 2008

Fwd: Draft Cork City Biodiversity Plan

Cork City Council has prepared a Draft Biodiversity Action Plan for the City.  Biodiversity means the variety of life on earth.  It includes all living plants and animals whether rare or common as well as habitats, genetic variation and ecosystems.

The aim of the Draft Cork City Biodiversity Action Plan is:

"To promote the appreciation and enjoyment of Cork City's biodiversity amongst the people of the city and to identify, understand and conserve the biodiversity of the city for future generations"


Cork City Council is undertaking a consultation process to get the publics views and opinions on how the Biodiversity of the City should be protected and enhanced.  Copies of the Plan can be viewed or purchased at the Planning Desk of Cork City Council, and are available in the local libraries or on www.corkcityheritage.ie


Comments and submissions should be forwarded to:

Mr. Kevin Terry

Director of Services Planning and Development Directorate and City Engineer

Cork City Council

City Hall


or e-mail submissions to heritage@corkcity.ie


The closing date for the receipt of submissions is 5pm, Tuesday the 28th of October 2008.


For further details on the Draft Cork City Biodiversity Plan or for advice on making submission please email the Heritage Officer at heritage@corkcity.ie or Tel 021 4924086






Heritage Officer

Cork City Council

City Hall


Tel:  021 4924018

Fax: 021 4924712