Apr 18, 2012

SWAN Research Project: The Common Agricultural Policy: Interactions with the Water Framework Directive and implications for the status of Ireland's waters.

SWAN Research Project:  The Common Agricultural Policy: Interactions with the Water Framework Directive and implications for the status of Ireland’s waters.


The Sustainable Water Network (SWAN)[1] requires a researcher or research team for a desk-based analysis of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the impacts and interaction of this on the status of Ireland’s inland waters, coastal waters, groundwaters and wetlands.  This should include:

·        An analysis of the key features of the CAP which drive agricultural practises posing a threat to the ecological status of Ireland’s waters and wetlands and to the achievement of Water Framework Directive (WFD) objectives;

·        A critical analysis of provisions in the Commission Proposal for CAP reform and an assessment of what, if any, the benefits of this are for the aquatic and wetland environment;

·        Recommendations for measures/amendments to the Commission proposal for CAP reform, under both Pillars, which would optimise the potential of the CAP to support WFD compliance and protection of aquatic resources.

This analysis of CAP should be supported by international case studies and best practise and carried out in the context of, and with regard to, current environmental and agriculture policy and legislation in Ireland, including the requirements of the WFD; current status of Nitrates Directive implementation and the potential implications of Food Harvest 2020 production targets for the aquatic environment.


An important element of the analysis will be consultation with a number of key decision-makers and relevant stakeholders.


The project output will be two reports: A technical report on the findings of the review with academic and other references (including an executive summary) and a summary report for policy/decision-makers.


A more detailed tender brief is available on request from info@swanireland.ie


The project deadline is August 15th 2012; however earlier delivery will be viewed favourably.  Proposals should be submitted by email to Sinead O’Brien, Coordinator, Sustainable Water Network (SWAN) at sobrien@swanireland.ie by Thursday May 10th 2012. 


[1] The Sustainable Water Network (SWAN) is an umbrella network of 25 of Ireland’s leading environmental NGOs, national and regional, working to protect Ireland’s aquatic resources through active engagement in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and other water-related policy & legislation.




Sinead O'Brien


Sustainable Water Network (SWAN)

9 Upper Mount Street

Dublin 2

01 6425583





[1] The Sustainable Water Network (SWAN) is an umbrella network of 25 of Ireland’s leading environmental NGOs, national and regional, working to protect Ireland’s aquatic resources through active engagement in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and other water-related policy & legislation.