Apr 27, 2010

TEAGASC "A Climate for Change" International Conference, Dublin, 24 - 25 June 2010

The Teagasc international conference - "A Climate for Change – Opportunities for Carbon-Efficient Farming" will take place in the Mansion House, Dublin from 24 - 25 June 2010.


The exciting panel of national and international speakers will address some of the key challenges facing the environment and the role that agriculture and farming can play in mitigating the impact of Climate Change.


Organised by Teagasc, this Climate Change conference will be of interest to scientists and farmers, policy makers and students, as the threats and opportunities facing agriculture are explored and discussed. 


For more details and to register visit www.teagasc.ie/aclimateforchange/.


The key questions being addressed at this Agri-Environmental Policy Conference are:


  • Is the global debate on Climate Change a threat or an opportunity for Irish farming?


  • Can carbon-efficient farming give Ireland a competitive edge?


  • Which measures will improve the carbon-efficiency on tillage, dairy and beef farms?


  • How can forestry, biofuels and land-use change, offset Greenhouse Gas Emissions?


  • How will future gains in production efficiencies be acknowledged within the framework of Kyoto reporting?


  • Will curbing national Greenhouse Gas Emissions necessarily equate to curbing agricultural productivity?


Find out the answers and contribute to the debate in Dublin on Thursday and Friday, 24 and 25 June next. Register now.


With kind regards

Teagasc Working Group on Greenhouse Gas Emissions