Jun 8, 2009

'Buy Local, Buy Quality' label - west Cork?

In the interests of local food security and providing local part-time jobs, how about the following idea to get us started..

We in West Cork set up a simple food-processing unit where we put our locally-grown tomatoes (for instance) into jars, and then sell them through local shops throughout the rest of the year, under a 'Buy Local, Buy Quality' type label.

The point in starting very simply is maybe we'll make fewer mistakes..

Tomatoes is an obvious first choice, because they're something everyone buys already in tins or jars and there's no reason why we couldn't grow them well around here. Lots already do, but there's a glut every year..

Of course, this wouldn't detract at all from our efforts to grow more fresh local produce, but as far as I know we don't yet have a way of collecting/distribu ting/marketing that yet. (Though Matt is working on it..)

Anyway, it's just an idea. Looking for feedback. Do you know of a suitable kitchen/packing room that exists already? Would you buy this product? Would you like to grow produce for this project? Any skills/cash to contribute?


timrowe@eircom. net