Aug 11, 2008

Generating energy from residual waste

Generating energy from residual waste
- searching for the fully integrated & sustainable solution

The Waste Management policy for Ireland is currently under review and a practical and cost-effective plan seems long overdue - particularly when compared with neighbouring European countries. Recycling has been successfully encouraged and implemented, but most of this material is still exported and very little use is made of residual waste. The prospect of large landfill tax levies is now looming and time is pressing for a solution.

Generating energy from residual
waste aims to drive forward the debate on waste management technologies in Ireland, providing a forum for questions and networking and an opportunity to assess the benefits and challenges of a range of options. Current discussions lead to future policies - so, ensure you are part of the debate.

Generating energy from residual
waste will be held on Wednesday, 17 September 2008 at the SAS Radisson Hotel, Stillorgan Road, Dublin.

For more information - Click Here